Torsten Müller

Implementing an immutable List in JavaScript

published Jan 11th, 2020

Continuing my little series on functional programming in JavaScript, I’m tackling and implementing the List type now and explain how the immutability of that data structure is accomplished, what a memory efficient implementation would look like and finally discuss the major functionality “groups” of this data type. I’m going to base the behavior and API of my implementation on the List type in Scala.

How it all works

One can imagine two different paradigms when implementing an immutable list. The first one would be to make a complete copy of the list and then add a node with additional data. The second one would be to create a new node, prepend it to the existing list and keep everything else the same. This means that the reference to the original list head still exists and still points to all the same nodes in the list. The only change is that we have a new list “head”, pointing to a new node, which then connects with the previous list’s head node.

The following figure illustrates how that might look in memory, showing the references for two Lists A and B, which share a good chunk of their data. Here, we have a List B with four nodes containing the values 1, 2, 4 and 8, respectively. From this list, we created a new List A by prefixing a new node containing the value 0, so that List A is an extension of List B, containing the values 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8.

Two immutable lists with common content

In principle, both aforementioned paradigms work, but the second one, where we are prepending nodes to an existing List, is more efficient. I believe it is easy to see that simply prepending a node to an existing list occurs in constant time (i.e. O(1)), whereas creating an entirely new instance of an existing list by copying and adding a new node would be O(n), i.e. scale with the size of the list since we’d have to duplicate each of the n elements once.

This memory and performance efficiency is also the reason to prefer prepending values to a list over appending values, since the appending would need to generate a copy of the entire list instead of creating just a single new node.

Now with the basic concept out of the way, we can start thinking about

  1. how we would go about instantiating such a construct,
  2. what functionality we would want to efficiently work with this data structure and
  3. what the data management implications of each desired method are.

Creating an instance of a List

When starting to think of the structure of this construct, we can see that we need at least two things: a node that contains the data and can link to another node, i.e. hold a reference. The second thing would be some sort of “object” that represents our List made up of these nodes, i.e. which holds a reference to the first node in the List.

The node of a List

When we think of a List, we can imagine it being comprised of a multitude of container elements, or nodes, where each one contains a value and a reference to the next node in the list. This can be expressed as in the following code snippet:

var Node = function(val) {

  var nodeValue = val;
  var nextNode = null;

  this.get = function(skipClone) {
    return (skipClone) ? nodeValue : cloneNodeValue(nodeValue);
  this.bind = function(node) {
    if (nextNode === null) nextNode = node;
  }; = function() { return nextNode; };

Here, we have a constructor function with two private properties, nodeValue and nextNode, implementing the two properties explained previously. To make the interaction easier, we define a few utility functions, to

  1. retrieve the node’s value by using get()
  2. extend the List by creating a binding between the current and another node in bind() (but only when that node is not already filled with a value, i.e. contains null)
  3. traverse the list using next(), which simply returns a reference to the node linked to by the current node.

While this is the main functionality, the get() method also allows us to pass a boolean value, which will either return the current node’s value (when passed true) or, by default, a cloned value for cases where the type of the contained entity is either an object or an array. The reason for this behavior is that JavaScript passes arrays and objects by reference, so that if we simply returned the content, we would enable modifications to the cloned node to affect the original list, which is supposed to be immutable!

To ensure that immutability, we clone entities passed by reference (objects, arrays) into the new list, instead of just pointing them to the existing instance. That is accomplished by the cloneNodeValue() function, which I’ll list here without going into details of its implementation.

function cloneNodeValue(val) {

  var type =, -1);
  switch (type) {

    case 'Array':
      var l = val.length;
      var clone = [];
      for (var i=0; i < l; i++) {
        clone[i] = cloneNodeValue(val[i]);
      return clone;

    case 'Object':
      var k, keys = Object.keys(val), obj = {};
      while (k = keys.shift()) {
        obj[k] = cloneNodeValue(val[k]);
      return obj;

      return val;

Now that we have the functionality of a Node squared away, we can start to look at the implementation of the actual List:

var ImmutableList = function() {

  if (this instanceof ImmutableList) {
    this.head = null;
    this.last = null;
    this.length = arguments.length;

    var l = arguments.length, i,

    // Take all the arguments and put them into the list in the order of their appearance.
    for (i = l-1; i > -1; i--) {
      nn = new Node(arguments[i]);
      if (i === l-1) this.last = nn;
      this.head = nn;
  } else {
    var param =;
    return new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(ImmutableList, param));

var ListProto = { ... };

ImmutableList.prototype = ListProto;
ImmutableList.prototype.constructor = ImmutableList;

module.exports = ImmutableList;

While this is a fair amount of code, it’s not super complicated, and it uses a few techniques already seen in implementation of the Option monad.

To allow instantiation without the new keyword, we check in line 3 whether it’s an instance of the ImmutableLIst. If not, the else explicitly calls the constructor with new and passes the arguments on. So either way, we create a new instance with this function.

The actual functionality of the constructor function starting on line 4

  1. defines properties for the length of the list, the head, i.e. the first node of the list, and a reference to the last node of the list.
  2. loops over all passed parameters, creates a Node for each value and binds the nodes together to form the List in the for loop starting on line 12.

The remainder of the listing shows an object being assigned to ListProto, which will serve as the prototype and contain all the methods we’re going to develop which operate on the List’s values. The remainder of the code sets up the prototypal inheritance and exports the constructor function.

Here is how we would create a list:

let fibonacci = ImmutableList(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13);

So now, we’re able to create a new List, but with the code the way it stands right now, we can’t do anything useful with it. Let’s look at what we might reasonably do with our list and how that functionality would be implemented (in ListProto)

Operators on a List instance

We can roughly partition the functionality of the methods on a List into the following categories:

  1. We can extend the existing list by adding nodes or return a subset of the existing list
  2. We have to create a whole new instance of another List because we want to change its node’s values
  3. Transform the List into a different type, e.g. arrays or strings or reduce it into a single value (e.g. the average of a list of numbers)
  4. Provide information about the list, such as whether a value exists

So let’s take this one by one:

Extending an existing list

All the methods in this section follow the same paradigm: To not create a new list or modify nodes in the existing list. Rather, new data is prepended to the existing list, as explained earlier in this piece, keeping the nodes and the sequence of data of the existing List the same. References to the “old” List remain, thereby not modifying those lists.

Examples of this functionality are:

  • insertHead() takes a value, encapsulates it in a new instance of Node, prepends it to the existing List and returns a reference to the newly created node, which is the beginning of the new list. Note that any references to the old “head node” are still valid, and from their point of view, the List has not changed, containing all the same nodes in the same order.
  • removeHead() does not actually remove a node, it merely returns a new List whose first node is a reference to the second node in the list. The resulting list therefore does not know about the previous node and thus looks like a different list, although no new nodes were created or removed.

Here is a sample implementation of those two methods:

var ListProto = {

  insertHead: function(el) {
    var nl = new ImmutableList();
    nl.head  = new Node(el);
    nl.length = this.length + 1;
    return nl;

  removeHead: function() {
    var nl = new ImmutableList();
    nl.head =;
    nl.last = this.last;
    nl.length = this.length - 1;
    return nl;

  // All other implementation examples are also 
  // part of ListProto


So what does it look like if we have a List, then remove the first node and add a new one to the resulting List? The following sequence of graphs explains:

insert and remove head

Starting with A, we have an instance of ImmutableList. If we now removeHead(), we get a new instance of ImmutableList, List B where the head points to the second node of List A. Performing now an insertHead() on that second List, we end up with yet another ImmutableList root, which has a node containing the new value, but pointing to the same List as before. So all three List instances share the majority of their nodes/elements, which makes this particular implementation memory efficient as well as performant (as shown previously with O(1) efficiency for adding/removing a node).

Modifying the values of a list, or their order

The concept shown in the previous section is great and efficient, but it cannot adequately cover the case, where we need to modify the values in each node of the List, as in the case of map(), filter(), reverse(), reverseMap() and insertAfter(). Here is a description of what these methods do:

Method Functionality
map() Create a new List, where each node’s value is determined by applying a function to the value in the original List
filter() Create a new List of entries that satisfy a provided condition
reverse() Inverts the order of the nodes in the List
reverseMap() Inverts the List, but also applies a modifier to the value in each node
insertAfter() Finds the first node satisfying a condition and inserts a new node after that located node

Their implementation would look like this:

map: function(fct) {

  function iterate(node, nl, fct) {

    if (nl.head === null) {
      nl.head = new Node(fct(node.get()));
      nl.last = nl.head;
      iterate(, nl, fct);
    } else {
      var nd = new Node(fct(node.get()));
      nl.last = nd;
      if ( === null) {
        return nl;
      } else {
        iterate(, nl, fct);

  var newList = new ImmutableList();
  if (this.head !== null) {
    iterate(this.head, newList, fct);
    newList.length = this.length;
  return newList;

filter: function(f) {

  // Tail recursive
  var iterate = function(node, newList, fct) {
    if (node === null) return newList;
    else if (true === fct(node.get())) {
      if (newList.head === null) {
        newList.head = new Node(node.get());
        newList.last = newList.head;
      } else {
        var nd = new Node(node.get());
        newList.last = nd;
      newList.length += 1;
      return iterate(, newList, fct);
    else return iterate(, newList, fct);

  return iterate(this.head, new ImmutableList(), f);

reverse: function() {

  function iterate(node, newList) {
    if (node === null) return newList;
    else {
      var rev = newList.insertHead(node.get());
      return iterate(, rev);

  var rev = new ImmutableList();
  rev.last = this.head;
  return iterate(this.head, rev);

reverseMap: function(fct) {

  var rev = new ImmutableList();

  function iterate(node, newList) {
    if (node === null) return newList;
    else {
      var rev = newList.insertHead(fct(node.get()));
      return iterate(, rev);

  rev.last = this.head;
  return iterate(this.head, rev);

insertAfter: function(node, val) {

  function traverse(nd, newList, insertVal) {
    if (nd === null) {
      return newList;
    } else if (nd === node) {
      var newNode = new Node(insertVal);
      var prevNode = new Node(nd.get());

      // Add the current node, as we want to insert AFTER
      // link copy of current node to new node, INSERTING here
      // Link the new node to the rest of the list, which should be unaltered
      newList.last = this.last;
      newList.length = this.length + 1;
      return newList;
    } else {
      if (newList.head === null) {
        var nn = new Node(nd.get());
        newList.head = nn;
        newList.last = nn;
        return,, newList, insertVal);
      } else {
        var nn = new Node(nd.get());
        newList.last = nn;
        return,, newList, insertVal);

  var nl = new ImmutableList();
  return, this.head, nl, val);

Common among all those methods is the use of recursion to iterate() over the current List and generate the new one. This being implemented in JavaScript — which does not optimize tail recursion like Scala, for example — it would have been more prudent to use a while loop to reduce the risk of stack overflows, but this being about functional programming, this implementation seemed more appropriate.

The code should be self-explanatory, so I will limit myself to go through the implementation of the filter() method to point out some common features:

  1. In each method, we instantiate a new ImmutableList() and add nodes to it
  2. Within each method, we define a nested function iterate() that recursively iterates over nodes of the current list
  3. The recursive function for filter() receives
    1. a reference to a node to consider
    2. a reference to the new ImmutableList instance to populate
    3. a predicate function, returning true or false, indicating whether a node should be present in the new list.
  4. Recursion stops, when the current node’s property linking to the next node contains null, which indicates that no next node is available — thereby indicating the end of the list. Refer to the next() function in the first listing.
  5. If the passed predicate function returns true when called with the current node’s content, we add the node to the new List instance created in this function, otherwise
  6. we don’t add the currently considered node to the new list and keep the recursion going.

The other four methods follow the same principles, and I will skip a detailed discussion here.

Creating a subset of the current List

We already saw the removeHead() function, but what if we want to create a new List that omits more than the head element? To make that use case easier to handle, we have drop() and dropWhile(), which create a new list without the first n nodes (drop) or a List starting with the first node for which the passed predicate function returns false (dropWhile). Their implementation is shown here, again using recursion:

drop: function(num) {

  var findNewHeadNode = function(headNode, n) {
    if (headNode === null) return null;
    else if (n === 0) return headNode;
    else return findNewHeadNode(, n - 1);

  var newList = new ImmutableList();
  if (this.length - num > 0) {
    newList.last = this.last;
    newList.length = this.length - num;
    newList.head = findNewHeadNode(this.head, num);
  return newList;

dropWhile: function(fct) {

  var findHeadnode = function(node, f) {
    if (node.node === null) return {node: null, c: node.c};
    else if (false === f(node.node.get(true))) return node;
    else return, {'node':, c: node.c+1}, f);

  var newList = new ImmutableList();
  var newHead =, {node: this.head, c: 0}, fct);
  newList.head = newHead.node;
  if (newHead.node !== null) {
    newList.last = this.last;
    newList.length = this.length - newHead.c;
  return newList;


Here is a graphic visually explaining what is going on:

Using the two drop() methods on a List

Other noteworthy methods on the List

The implementation found on bitbucket implements a few more methods, of which I will discuss two more, findNode() and foldLeft():

findNode: function(fct) {

  function iterate(h) {
    if (h === null) return optionPkg.None();
    else if (fct(h.get(true))) return optionPkg.Some(h);
    else return iterate(;

  return iterate(this.head);

foldLeft: function(initVal) {

    var self = this;

    return function(fct) {

      function iterate(cVal, node) {
        if (node === null) return cVal;
        else return iterate(fct(cVal, node.get()),;

      return iterate(initVal, self.head);

The findNode() method iterates through the List until it finds an entry that causes the predicate function passed to it to return a truthy value. The return type of this method is of the Option type, thereby indicating whether a node was found. If the value is found, a reference to the node will be returned in a Some type, otherwise a None is returned. It should be noted that only the first of potentially several nodes is returned.

The foldLeft() method creates a single value from the entire List, depending on the function passed to it. It is a curried function that accepts an initial value as its first parameter and the function used for the processing of every node as its second parameter. This implementation expects the passed function processing the entries (the second parameter) to take the current aggregate value as its first parameter and the value to be processed as its second parameter. A sample implementation would look like this:

const origList = ImmutableList(1,2,3,4,5,6);
const processing = (agg, current) => agg + current;
const listSum = origList.foldLeft(100)(processing);
// listSum will contain the number 121.

Discussion and summary

In this post, I’ve looked at the implementation of an immutable List, commonly used in functional programming. Along the way, we used other functional programming paradigms such as

  1. currying in the foldLeft method
  2. the use of recursion throughout the implementation (instead of while loops, for example)
  3. immutability of the data in the nodes — there’s only a getter, but no setter method, so we can only provide the value of a node when instantiating it.
  4. concepts for keeping a List instance immutable and instead create separate instances sharing data where possible.
  5. memory saving concepts when modifying the List

The benefit of an implementation of a List like this over, say, the standard JavaScript Array is the immutability of the instance’s nodes and the memory saving implementation of creating new Lists from existing Lists by sharing the nodes belonging to both Lists. Developing this example has also helped me to more deeply understand the principles of functional programming.

Finally, here is a (somewhat contrived) example on how to use the implementation developed in this post:

const initialValues = [1,45,14,28,154,117,58,67,98];
var l = iList().fromArray(initialValues)
  .filter(x => x % 2 === 0) // [14,28,154,58,98]
  .map(x => x / 2)          // [7,14,77,29,49]
  .dropWhile(x => x < 70)   // [77,29,49]
  .foldLeft(100)((acc, curr) => acc + curr); // 100 + 155

// variable l now is of type `Number` with a value of 255

In this example, we take advantage of the fact that each method is returning a new instance of a List, so we can chain our operators accordingly. We start off with a list of numbers, then do the following operations on the List:

  1. filter out the uneven numbers, creating a List with new nodes, then
  2. divide the remaining numbers by 2, also creating a completely new List, then
  3. create a new pointer to the first node with a value over 69 (i.e. a new pointer to an existing node in the list),
  4. finally, we create a single number out of the List using foldLeft() — providing an initial value of 100 and passing a function for the aggregation of the values.

To finish this post, here is a visual representation of this computation:

A visual repredentation of the previous coding example